Dreams as R-evolution

Supported by the National Arts Council and the Human Elephant Foundation

Music written for the Dreams as R-evolution installation by Salim Washington and UZIBO



17 thoughts on “Dreams as R-evolution”

  1. Persevere and inspire us further. I came to the realization, right now, that it takes time to achieve depth for those life changing inputs.

    1. Thanks Schalk…I can only do my best to let my work ‘speak’ visually and otherwise!
      Yes, and time…In a world of instant, quick and fast…as I say we can always simply…’deleted a friend’ without experiencing the agonizing effect of the process of disconnection because we do not like pain (pain is good as long as we can manage it…it grows us). We don’t always acknowledge that time as in age is special and nuances our awkwardness (one hopes) and deepens our understandings of things…of living.

    1. Hi Jos
      I was laughingly accused of writing too much especially when i said i would emphasize the visual language as its much more universal.
      There is an artbook coming out soon with an essay on all the elements, so keep an eye on that…
      Meanwhile…think about why innocence returned to my work which began as a r-evolutionary idea…Its been a work I have lived with and in for a long time. The physical work took 9 months. At some point, i was surrounded by what i refer to as ‘innocence’. I watched the insects, birds and animals going about their business…i watched how that impacted on me even in moments of anger and thoughts of subversion… I watched how the children played in that space…I watched and thought about possibilities for change…revolution is not always about the use of violence…sometimes that’s necessary, but its essentially about an enormous …shift…perhaps the ‘weapon’ there is one of innocence…? My thoughts unravelling….

  2. Jabsi Matloa (Maseko)

    Wow Coral. This is beautiful work. Love seeing creating art. Channeling love your way. Jabsi Matloa (Maseko)

    1. Hey there Jabsi! I have not looked at the website for a while…thank you dear. It needs updating now that i have completed. Will send you a link on the updates soon…Send love, send loving energy…we all need it …and to maintain the dream…no virus must stop it…

    2. Hey there Jabsi! I have not looked at the website for a while…thank you dear. It needs updating now that i have completed. Will send you a link on the updates soon…Send love, send loving energy…we all need it …and to maintain the dream…no virus must stop it…

  3. Thank you Hensely!
    And thank you to Wardkiss, (the Paint Team) Sydeny Road and Nellie in particular for your interest and putting aside your plastic waste so that I could turn them into sculptural forms for this project. It bodes well when commerce has an understanding of the role of the arts…and vice versa. Synergy its called…

  4. Just using what is gods given Youseff…as for Dali, I am flattered though we make our own here on the southern most tip! Thank you!

  5. There is a lot to see even if a lot is hidden from sight. How one sees oneself in relation to power/authority is more interesting to me. Power is always given and the giver determines how much of that power is going to be given, and why.

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